Monday 7 December 2015

The Amber Flag

On Friday December 4th it was time to launch the Amber Flag Campaign. TY's had the day of class to get ready for the launch at lunch and to relax and have a positive mental health day. the TY's also got to wear their own amber clothes as we were part of the Amber Army. But first we had to launch the Amber Flag website.The girls on the website committee gave a presentation to us and Ms. Smith, Ms Leonard and Bridie from the Liffey Champion. After this it was back to relaxing. We had our lunch early that day so we would be free to do all our activities at lunch time. First we had to set up the hall for the bake sale. After this the bell for lunch went and we headed off to our destinations. There was face-painting, busking, bake sale, and emoji boards. 
We were very with our hard work. We raised €400 for two charities, Pieta House and Suicide Awareness.                

The Late Late Toy Show

Last Friday night Christmas officiall  began. The Late Late Toy Show was on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As usual it was full of odd children saying odd things. One girl in particular scared the nation when she made a poem about her My Little Pony. It went 'My little pony, Skinny and bony, Went to the stable, And died on the table'. There was also a little boy who rapped about his life on a farm.Finally there was a little boy who made his own boardgame about the weather. Then he met Evelyn Cusach, his idol and they played the game.